Fascinating womanhood 1963
Fascinating womanhood 1963


Contrary to popular opinion, this book is not about being a doormat. She says exactly what to do if your husband is mistreating you or the children. Helen tells the readers in FW that there are certain behaviors that a wife does not have to accept from a man. Leah said she used to ask Helen, “What do you do about all these people (feminists) who write mean and nasty stuff about you?” Helen responded with, “I just feel sorry for them that they will never feel the joy that I am feeling.” And by what right should I have dared to aspire to her love? What does it matter, so that it does not injure her happiness? My duty is to keep close to her steps, to surround her existence with mine, to serve her as a barrier against all dangers to offer my head as a stepping stone, to place myself unceasingly between her and all sorrows, without claiming reward, without expecting recompense…Alas! If she only allow me to give my life to anticipating her every desire, all her caprices if she but permit me to kiss with respect her adored footprints if she but consent to lean upon me at times amidst the difficulties of life.

fascinating womanhood 1963

– What is Celestial Love, a love we can all achieve in our marriages? This quote from Victor Hugo in the FW book depicts Celestial Love beautifully:ĭo I exist for my own personal happiness? No, my whole existence is devoted to her, even in spite of her. I think it is manipulative to act dumb about them when you want your husband to take over the work involved with them.) If your marriage is having problems, I highly recommend the book.(I still disagree with some of the book, though, the part about acting dumb about mechanical things, if you really are smart about them. Maybe my husband and I would be happier in our marriage if I did these things.” We have a good marriage, but if it can be greater, I want that! In other words, you can be right, or you can have a man who worships the ground you walk on, but you can’t have both. But after hearing other women talk about FW and now that I have read well into the book, I am thinking, “Maybe I should actually do these assignments. For a long time I have not taken FW seriously, thinking, “Oh, its ideas are kind of cheesy and some of them even seem deceptive and manipulative.” I based that on my reading of the companion book, The Fascinating Girl. Your girlfriend may be spouting off all the reasons she doesn’t like the book, but if you ask her husband about his feelings he probably isn’t happy in the marriage and doesn’t absolutely adore her. This is the love that Helen wants her readers to have by applying the principles in her book. I am willing to guarantee that they aren’t enjoying Celestial Love. Women who criticize it probably don’t have a man who utterly adores them. – FW is one of those things that sounds a little corny at first but I say, don’t knock it until you try it. A newspaper article I found online about Helen said that she also fasted and prayed and read the Bible and the Book of Mormon to get answers to help her marriage. These pamphlets were written a long time ago and they inspired her to write Fascinating Womanhood.


She was discouraged about her marriage and happened to find a set of pamphlets in her attic about marriage and how to treat a man. She no longer felt cherished in her marriage although she felt loved. Helen wrote the book because she felt her own husband was too controlling.

fascinating womanhood 1963

It is up to you to be in tune with the Spirit to know whether or not you should be following your husband. He said not to follow your husband into an evil pit. I must add a disclaimer to that, by paraphrasing Pres. Orson Pratt is quoted in the book as saying that if you don’t follow your husband, then you lose the Spirit of God.

fascinating womanhood 1963

I learned the following from reading the book, participating in the colloquium, doing and Internet search about Helen and the book, and talking to Leah after the colloquium was over to get even more juicy tidbits. We had sooo much fun discussing the book! About 11 women showed up, and out of those 11, we had all read all of the book or parts of it, I I recall correctly, but only one person had done the assignments in the book. Helen Andelin was LDS, born in 1920, and published FW in 1963. My girlfriend, Leah, is the great niece of Helen Andelin, the author of Fascinating Womanhood.


Last Friday I held an online colloquium with my girlfriend to discuss Fascinating Womanhood, as a free session in my Zion Finishing School.

Fascinating womanhood 1963